Pain, strains & sprains…

Experienced, professional hands on care, to help restore your physical wellbeing

01494 481713

Hands on treatment and advice to aid your recovery…

Back pain, muscle aches, joint strains, trapped nerves…. they can all be miserable.

30 years experience, thousands of satisfied patients, working with elite athletes, from Harley Street to Bledlow Ridge, we are well placed to help restore your health and fitness….and guide you towards a fulfilling pain free life.

What do we treat?

  • Knee and hip problems

  • Ankle sprains

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Dropped foot arches/pronation

  • Arthritis and joint degeneration

  • Back ache

  • Neck pain

  • Slipped disc

  • Sciatica & trapped nerve

  • Rib strain

  • Rotator cuff injuries

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Tennis & golfer’s elbow

  • Posture advice

  • Pregnancy related problems

Expert hands on treatment…

Our approach is based on the principle that an individual’s wellbeing requires their joints, muscles and connective tissues to function together freely and harmoniously. This is normally maintained in a natural balance and equilibrium that allows us to adapt to the stresses and strains that life throws up.

However, from time to time our body may suffer an assault which challenges this natural balance, which can cause the equilibrium to be lost. This might be related to a sudden event, such as a trauma or injury, or it might be due to a longer term factor, such as bad posture, stress and wider lifestyle issues. Pathology, such as arthritis and joint degeneration can also affect this balance.

An osteopath is highly qualified, undertaking a 4 year degree course in Osteopathic Medicine, to recognise where these inbalances are occurring and diagnosing the cause. Expert hands on treatment with an osteopath can help to restore this balance, putting you back on track and then allowing the body the opportunity to continue to self-regulate.

Sometimes to maintain this harmony it will require the osteopath to advise on lifestyle management, rehabilitation exercises and maybe maintenance treatments from time to time.

We are well qualified to recognise when it might be appropriate to make an onward referral for further investigations. This might be referring you for an MRI scan or to an orthopaedic surgeon, or simply to review things with your GP.

Nick Coe trained for 4 years in central London at the British School of Osteopathy (now the University College of Osteopathy). After graduating in 1990, he undertook a placement at an internationally renound sports injury clinic, where he gained experience working with elite athletes of all disciplines and working directly with UK Athletics. He has subsequently set up in private practice in St Albans, where he works alongside a multidisciplinary team of therapists. He has worked for directly with various organisations, including. Herts Fire and Rescue Service, Hertfordshire Constabulary and several local GP practices in the area. In 2012 he set up Bledlow Ridge Osteopaths, working from his office adjacent to his home in the village, where he lives with his family. He is registered with the General Osteopathic Council and the Institute of Osteopathy and like all osteopaths is required to undertake an ongoing programme of retraining.

About us…

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is an established, recognised and regulated system of diagnosis and treatment for musculoskeletal problems. It lays its main emphasis on the structural integrity of the body. Osteopathy is distinct in that its approach recognises much of the pain and disability that we suffer stems from abnormalities in the functioning of the body’s framework - as well as, but not exclusively, damage caused by disease and injury.

Osteopaths use many of the diagnostic procedures used in conventional medical assessment and diagnosis - such undertaking a thorough neurological, cardiovascular or respiratory examination when appropriate.

Osteopathy’s main strength, however, lies in the unique way the patient is assessed from a mechanical, functional and postural standpoint together with the manual methods of treatment applied to suit the needs of the individual patient, which includes manipulation, stretching and massage.. Close attention is applied to the effects of the patient’s lifestyle, taking into account stress, posture and occupation, to name but a few.

Osteopathy is a regulated healthcare profession; all osteopaths a required by law to be registered with the General Osteopathic Council, who oversee safety and clinical standards of osteopathic practice. This requires all osteopaths to undertake continuous professional development training and revalidation in order to practice.

It is a long established profession; the first training college for osteopaths, the British School of Osteopathy (now the University College of Osteopaths) first opened in London in 1915. Osteopaths have been regulated since 1938, initially by the General Council and Register of Osteopaths and since 1997, when all osteopaths were required to have state registration, by the General Osteopathic Council.

Take Action

Ready to take the next step? Here’s how…

  1. Schedule an appointment

  2. Allow us an hour of your time to listen to your story and understand your concerns and goals

  3. Discuss your diagnosis, agree a treatment and exercise plan before commencing hands on therapy

Testimonials & Links

  • “Kind and professional”

    Sandra CM

  • “Super friendly and approachable”

    Emma B

  • “Reassuringly professional, experienced and just plain good at his job”

    Ed W

Visit us


Bledlow Ridge Osteopaths Ridgeland, Chinnor Road Bledlow Ridge Buckinghamshire HP14 4AJ


01494 481713
